If you are dealing with leaking discharge hoses in trucks or machinery, you should have a good hard look at this #8 hose repair starter kit.

Operating trucks, agricultural or mining machinery usually goes along with high vibration and high pressure in the vehicle’s A/C system, which puts the system components under a lot of strain. The Eaton E-Z clip hose repair system is designed to be used in these circumstances and along with that, the repair process becomes a lot more convenient and quick.

Albeit absolutely worth it, changing over an entire system at once can be costly and quite a commitment. Given the #8 discharge hose is usually the weakest point in the system, we have created a #8 Eaton E-Z Clip Hose Repair Starter Kit, including relevant #8 fittings, hoses and the tool, so you can solve the most pressing issue quickly and easily at a reasonable cost and most importantly, with a LASTING solution.

Find the full Eaton E-Z clip Starter kit including various fitting sizes here.