Hi-Cool A/C System Additive FAQs

Hi-Cool is a vehicle A/C system additive that can easily be injected into any vehicle’s system to significantly improve cooling performance. Here’s what you need to know about Hi-Cool.

Q1 How does Hi-Cool work?

Hi-Cool effectively improves the overall heat transfer process by minimising oil molecules & carbon deposits building on the heat exchanger surfaces of both the evaporator and condenser. Because of this, it facilitates a better heat transfer and cools more effectively.

Q2 How much will cooling performance improve by?

The individual results achieved vary, depending on a number of factors, however, our customers consistently report 15% or more improvement to the cooling performance. We have recently conducted a real live test on a Hitachi ZW 180-5 and have achieved a 23% improvement.

Q3 What vehicle can Hi-Cool be used in?

Hi-Cool can be used in any vehicle with an A/C system, from cars to tractors, mining vehicles, buses or trucks. The benefits apply universally.

Q4 How much Hi-Cool will I need to use?

The recommendation is to use 30ml of Hi-Cool per kg of refrigerant in the system.

Q5 How often do I need to add Hi-Cool?

If you charge a system with Hi-Cool for the first time, charge it at a rate of 30ml / kg of refrigerant. From the onwards, if you partially recycle and add-in new refrigerant, try to keep it at this same ratio. As such, Hi-Cool doesn’t have a lifespan or expiry.

Q6 Does Hi-Cool have benefits other than cooling performance?

The short answer is yes. It achieves cooler temperatures faster and due to the improved heat transfer, the system experiences lower friction, less strain on the compressor, r and an overall more efficient A/C system, especially on a hot or humid day.

Q7 How do I add Hi-Cool to a vehicle A/C system?

  • Step 1: Unscrew the plastic cap from your injector tool.
  • Step 2: Place the Hi-Cool A/C System Additive cartridge inside your injector tool.
  • Step 3: Screw the plastic cap back onto your injector tool to safely secure the Hi-Cool A/C System Additive cartridge.
  • Step 4: Screw hose tightly on to the Hi-Cool A/C System Additive cartridge to ensure no leaks. At this point, if the system is fully charged, start engine and ensure the compressor is running to bring low gauge down.
  • Step 5: Remove low side cap from the vehicle and connect coupler by pulling back green collar.
  • Step 6: Screw the large end of the injector with one hand while holding the tool with your other hand. NOTE: this can be done under pressure, but the vehicle must be running.

Q8 Where can I get Hi-Cool

Hi-Cool is exclusive to Highgate Air.

Q9 What refrigerant can I use Hi-Cool with?

Hi-Cool works with any type of A/C refrigerant.