Effective work-site safety protocols are paramount to anyone operating or servicing vehicles, particularly when it comes to large machinery and the increased risk along with it. When servicing A/C systems of vehicles, many of the tasks require the engine of the vehicle to be running. And that’s where we enter a danger zone! Accidents in these scenarios, when they do occur, can be serious or even fatal. In a bid to increase technicians’ safety and not only reduce but eliminate live work (ELW), i.e. working on a vehicle while the engine running, many sites and workshops have put stringent protocols in place.

Common risk to be prevented:

1. Review your process and set-up for best-practice.

Regularly analyse your work processes and work environment and ask yourself questions. Where can you uncover hidden dangers? What accidents or near accidents have occurred and what lead to them? How are your competitors doing things? This process will also help combat the enemy of safety, complacency.

2. Never become complacent, ever.

Humans have a tendency to become complacent and with this, risks of accidents increase. As we do tasks repeatedly in the same environment we get very familiar and comfortable. This is also when our awareness and attention to detail drops. It is something we have to counteract actively by keeping our awareness and attention high. Keep following that checklist you once created, don’t allow yourself to do short-cuts.

3. Utilise state-of-the-art equipment to automate & operate remotely.

A lot of advancements have happened over the recent years in this space. Utilising state-of-the-art tools and equipment is also something you can implement very quickly with and immediate effect. It usually also comes with the benefit of improved efficiency, so you’re not only adding to your safety but also to your financial bottom line. Broadly speaking, any tool which enables the automation of processes or the operation from the distant and safe surroundings of the vehicle cabin, thus eliminating live work, helps reducing risk. There are a range of 4-in-1 machines, tailored to different servicing needs, that will allow you to operate and monitor them remotely via an app or computer. 4-in-1 machines also greatly reduce the risk of physical injury, as there is less handling and carrying of tools required - it’s one machine that does it all! If you do decide to stick with manual gear, there are tools that provide wireless options for each process, helping you eliminate live work and making your next work day your safest yet.