There is a lot of choice out there when it comes to hose repair. Using a solution that is “fit for purpose” is key in ensuring lasting operation and avoiding frequent repair. For instance, when working on heavy duty vehicles which operate in environments of high vibration, it is paramount to resort to a heavy duty hose repair solution.

We have recently complemented our range of heavy duty hose repair solutions with what we think is the best value solution available - Superflex HD.

Within the range of hose repair solutions available, Superflex HD allows you to create high quality, high performing hose repair for vehicles and machinery that operate in tough environments. Superflex HD is able to last longer than a conventional Beadlock in demanding environments featuring high vibration or heat.

When thinking ‘hose repair’, Eaton E-Z clip or the more conventional Beadlock solution might spring to mind. So where does Superflex HD fit?

Out of the above names, Beadlock is the most conventional, mainstream hose repair system. And that’s where it’s got its place. It’s a system we would recommend for on-road vehicle use but would recommend against using it on vehicles operating in high vibration environments.

Superflex HD sits in the sweet spot of heavy duty reliability / robustness and affordability. Its price tag is significantly lower than the one of Eaton E-Z clip while still being suitable for most heavy duty applications.

If you’re unsure which hose repair product best suits your needs, speak to our friendly team on 1800 15 15 15.